Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Watchdog group calls on Texas A&M to be held accountable for bioweapons accident

This is a rather disturbing story out of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. How many students, faculty and people in the area were in danger of infection because of their ineptitude and carelessness? What does former A&M Pres. Robert Gates (now SecDef) have to say about this incident that was pretty much covered up?

9/11 truth comes to NW Arkansas

Just heard, via the Alex Jones Show, that my former county of residence, Benton County, Arkansas, had a visit from graffiti artists who used silver spray paint to get across to folks in Wal-Martville that their own government has run amok and no longer following the Constitution.

According to a story by Tracy Neal of the Benton County Daily Record ...

9-11 was an inside job” was scrawled in silver spray paint on the front window and bricks of the main courthouse at 102 N. E. A St. The same message was written on the front wall of the Courthouse Annex at 201 N. E. Second St.

On the east wall of the Courthouse Annex, more messages were left: “ Google = terror storm, ” “ www. infowars. com” and “Bush knew 9-11 was an inside job. ”

Similar statements were written on two vehicles — a Dodge Durango and a Chevy Colorado pickup truck — according to Bentonville Police Chief James Allen.
Statements were also painted on bathroom doors in Dave Peel Park, according to Benton County Judge Gary Black.

While vandalism is a bad idea (prison sucks, y'all!), I can't help but sense the frustration of these folks. They are part of a growing group of Americans who have had it with this arrogant government that was involved in 9/11 and other crimes.

Friday, June 22, 2007

US-Israel finalize plans to strike Iran

Reports Canada IFP:
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert visited Washington yesterday and met with US President George W. Bush to finalise plans for a joint US-Israel strike on Iran's nuclear facilities.
President Bush hinted that actions against Iran will form the core of their discussion.
"I'm sure that we will find some time, also, to discuss other measures, such as the danger of Iran and the threats that come from the President of Iran, who talks time and again about the liquidation of the state of Israel, something that is totally intolerable and unacceptable," he said. "And we have to continue the measures taken in order to stop the Iranian efforts to establish unconventional weapons."

When did the "President of Iran" talk about the "liquidation of the state of Israel"? I've heard the translation was that Ahmadinejad had called for regime change in the Israeli government. Just read this article by Justin Raimondo and see how serious things are getting when it comes to the War Party.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

McCain advisor tries to exclude Paul from Iowa debate

It's really interesting to me that Ed Failor Jr., with Iowans for Tax Relief, is trying to exclude Rep. Ron Paul from a GOP debate in Des Moines on June 30th. And as it turns out, this guy Failor is a senior advisor to the John McCain campaign. What a condescending, arrogant scumbag.

Writes Des Moines Register reporter Thomas Beaumont: "To plan an event of this scope, we invited credible Democratic and credible Republican candidates alike," Failor said. "We had to draw the line somewhere."
Failor said candidates who were invited had to have demonstrated evidence of an Iowa campaign and have visible signs of support, through surveys of caucusgoers. Democrats were also invited, too, but none accepted, he said.
That did not sit well with Paul's supporters, many of whom follow closely on the Internet the outspoken critic of the war in Iraq and vocal proponent of federal spending and tax restraint.
Among the several e-mail objections sent to The Des Moines Register, some referred to the decision as "tragic," "fascist," and even "evil.""Shame on the bureaucrats who made this one happen," one Paul supporter wrote. "I hope they become aware of how evil they are."
Failor said he had received more than 60 angry telephone calls at home, a practice the Paul campaign said they did not endorse.

Make sure you support the Ron Paul campaign. Check out the link at the right.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Joint US-Israel military exercises?

And we wonder why they aren't happy over there in the Middle East.

More here.